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Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
Linnaeus, 1758. 5 subspecies recognized, here is shown the nominal one.
Videos (1)
1 votes
Non-breeding plumage
Brown back and crown, with a white collar which borders the nape completely. Brown sides of neck, forming a semicollar which is not closed in any plumage. White forehead, throat, superciliary line and underparts. Black legs. Juvenile is very similar but with scaled upperparts. The breeding male has chestnut nape and pure black on upper forehead, lores, auriculars and sides of neck. In winter it can resemble Charadrius dubius, but this one has yellowish legs and completely closed collar.
Cadiz Bay, Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain, Palearctic Region
Date: 11 september 2009
Author: Alex García
Available videos (1)
Non-breeding plumage