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Wood Lark (Lullula arborea)
Linnaeus, 1758. 2 subspecies recognized, here is shown the nominal one.
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General features
The white superciliary lines joined on nape forming a V are diagnostic, separating it from the rest of alaudids in the region. It's also characteristic the black panel with white in both sides, formed by the primary coverts and visible in the closed wing. Short crest. No sexual dimorphism. It generally sings from a high exposed perch, like a tree, wire or porst.
Family Alaudidae (Larks)
2/ 96 species available
El Picarón Ornithological Station, Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, Palearctic Region
Date: 23 may 2010
Author: Alex García
Available videos (2)
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In hand