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Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Linnaeus, 1758. Monotypic species.
Videos (1)
1 votes
Non-breeding plumage
The greenish brown upperparts are similar to that on the breeding plumage, but slightly scaled. It also conserves the conspicuous crest of the breeding adults, although a bit shorter. The main difference is the white on throat and face, being black and joining the breast band in the breeding plumage. Rest of underparts white, with chestnut vent. The juvenile is similar to the winter plumage, but notably more scaled on upperparts and with very short crest.
Villafáfila, Zamora, Castilla y León, Spain, Palearctic Region
Date: 18 december 2009
Author: Alex García
Available videos (1)
Non-breeding plumage