(Waxbills and allies) |
Order Passeriformes 141 species in 35 genera
Size: Between 9 cm (Zebra Waxbill, Sporaeginthus subflavus) and 15 cm (Western Bluebill, Spermophaga haematina).
Distribution: Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian Regions. Resident, some species undertake local movements.
Habitat: Very varied. Forests, scrubland, open areas (from savannas and meadows to semideserts).
Feeding: Seeds and insects.
Breeding: The nest is a close chamber, woven with grasses, with a lateral entry, generally placed at mid high. 3-8 eggs. Incubation 11-18 days. Nestling period 16-25 days.
Threat status: 9 threatened species (1 Endangered and 8 Vulnerable) [+info] |
/ 141 species available |