Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and allies)
Order Charadriiformes
89 species in 20 genera

Size: Between 13 and 66 cm.

Distribution: All the continents. Most of the species breed in arctic and subarctic regions of the northern hemisphere and carry out great migrations toward the wintering areas.

Habitat: Wetlands and pastures during breeding. Coastal and interior wetlands during wintering.

Feeding: Mainly molluscs, crustaceans and worms. Also insects and vegetables.

Breeding: The nest is generally a depression on the gound. Sometimes, a cavity in a tree. 2-4 eggs. Incubation 18-30 days. Nestling period 16-50 days.

Threat status: 13 threatened species (3 Critically Endangered, 3 Endangered and 7 Vulnerable). 2 Extinct [+info]
10 / 89 species available
Wandering Tattler
Tringa incana
Common Redshank
Tringa totanus
Numenius phaeopus
Bar-tailed Godwit
Limosa lapponica
Ruddy Turnstone
Arenaria interpres
Red Knot
Calidris canutus
Calidris alba
Calidris alpina
Philomachus pugnax
Red-necked Phalarope
Phalaropus lobatus