Sylviidae (Old World Warblers)
Order Passeriformes
75 species in 17 genera

Size: Between 8 cm (Northern Crombec, Sylvietta brachyura) and 23 cm (Cape Grass-warbler, Sphenoeacus afer).

Distribution: Old World. Palearctic, Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian Regions. The tropical species are sedentary, but those breeding in temperate regions are mostly migratory.

Habitat: Very varied. Mainly forest and scrubland.

Feeding: Mainly insects. Also fruits.

Breeding: Elaborated cup placed in the most dense part of scrub vegetation. 2-7 eggs. Incubation 12-14 days. Nestling period 11-15 days.

Threat status: [view threatened species]
2 / 75 species available
Sylvia atricapilla
Subalpine Warbler
Sylvia cantillans