Laniidae (Shrikes)
Order Passeriformes
30 species in 3 genera

Size: Between 14 cm (Emin's Shrike, Lanius gubernator) and 50 cm (Magpie Shrike, Corvinella melanoleuca).

Distribution: Nearctic, Palearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental Regions. Most of the species are sedentary, but some of them are migratory, performing movements of thousands of kilometers.

Habitat: Open areas (savannas, paddocks, forest clearings, agricultural lands).

Feeding: Mainly insects, but also small vertebrates. If the prey is large, they use thorny vegetation to impale and slaughter it with the bill, as they don't have strong feet adapted to depredation.

Breeding: The nest is a cup built and camouflaged with vegetal material. 4-7 eggs. Incubation 12-15 days. Nestling period 12-20 days.

Threat status: 1 threatened species (Critically Endangered). [+info]
2 / 30 species available
Red-backed Shrike
Lanius collurio
Woodchat Shrike
Lanius senator